Project Name | EyeSea – Intelligent 3D offshore field reconstruction system with GIS and temporal reference

Project Code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-045200

Main Purpose | OT 1 – Strengthen Research, Development & Innovation

Intervention Region | North

Beneficiary Entity | Abyssal S.A.


Approval Date | 2020-01-10

Start Date | 2020-03-01

End Date | 2022-03-01


Total Eligible Cost | 1.063.560,10 EUR


European Union’s Financial Support | 722.262,84 EUR

Public National/Regional Financial Support | N/A


Project Goals |
The EyeSea Project aims to develop a multi domain, dynamic and responsive machine learning system, capable of exhibit and reconstruct in 3D, with extreme levels of reliability, offshore underwater fields, using solely videos of past missions, with GIS and time reference.
This new technology will have a tradable and international nature, as it aims to be a disruptive technological solution (industrial software) for the global market. Indeed, it will allow to surpass relevant constrains that the offshore industries face, namely on offshore assets’ management and planning new underwater operations.
This innovative and intelligent technology will be a relevant scientific and technological progress for the offshore Oil&Gas industry and has the potential to be scaled-up to other industries, such as offshore renewables and underwater minerals exploitation industries. Accordingly, the Project will enable to extend Abyssal’s presence to new market segments, as well as to strengthen its positioning in the Oil&Gas industry through the development of a solution capable assist in an eminent challenge for this industry: decommissioning of offshore fields efficiently, safely and precisely, reducing the risk of environmental negative impacts.
As a result of the Company’s market of operation, and to promote and utilize the projects results, Abyssal intends to develop contacts with players in the offshore industry in order to find a partner to test the final solution, at a later stage and in a real environment.