Onboarding and COVID-19, how we cope with it

A year ago I started my journey in Abyssal. Passionate about meeting new people, I was really excited about this opportunity.

I remember my first day very well. The Welcome Pack, carefully prepared (I could feel the love that was invested in it) was waiting for me on my desk. The Welcome Book had all the information I needed and I was already a part of Abyssal’s history (my picture was there ☺️ ). It all made me feel really welcomed. All the necessary material, like the computer and gear, was also there (as well as some cool extras), so I had everything I needed to start working.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been lauded as the next technological revolution, right next to electricity that transformed every industry and created huge economic value. It has the potential to impact the existing healthcare, transportation, and energy industries as well as possibly create entirely new industries. Despite all this promise, AI is still at a very early stage of implementation, with few automated systems in production.

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A Look Through the Water’s Surface

There’ve always been some hurdles to overcome in order to accurately simulate visual elements in computer graphics. Though, it goes without saying that fire and water are among the most difficult to replicate, not only because of their degree of unpredictability regarding fluid dynamics, but also because of the actual physics of light involved depending on which rendering technology comes into play.

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Using simulation as an efficient and safe way towards autonomy in subsea operations

Autonomous and unmanned systems are the next generation of tech arriving into subsea operations. They bring the promise of making subsea operations less expensive, increasingly safer, and reducing our carbon footprint while bringing people onshore. Industries such as Oil & Gas and Ocean Renewables are pushing the envelope when it comes to converting these technologies from paper to a new reality.

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Navigating Team Quality

On my first day at Abyssal two years ago (July 2018), I felt like every QA feels when they first step into a new company: like a solo New Year’s Eve party! You genuinely want it to be a group party, but experience has shown you that you often find yourself planning everything on your own, as you cannot help but feel excited by the open blank page right in front of you, with so much promise. You have so many resolutions in your head, so much to discover! A mix of old knowledge to exercise, yet a plethora to still experience. If you are anything like me, you also feel this endless rush of curiosity that keeps you living and breathing everything about that company. What’s the state of the product? What do they do and, more importantly, why do they do it that way? What does the client need?

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On board the Abyssal (intern)ship

On this very day, one year ago, I joined the Abyssal team as an intern, more specifically, in the AI research team. While a normal day for most, for me it was both my first day and my birthday, information that became known quickly among everyone. Consequently, during a regular company meeting, they welcomed me with the “happy birthday” song and, although I don‘t care to admit it, I blushed a bit from the attention.

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