Subsea industries, such as Marine Renewables or Oil & Gas, have been paving the way for safer and smart inspection operations underwater in order to improve efficiency while reducing their carbon footprint. If you’re part of this journey you may already be aware that this will require planned subsea operations to be performed by unmanned systems. You’ve probably heard about simulation, remote control, and intelligent vehicles. You’ve certainly been told you need data. Indeed, if you are taking part in this journey, I’m sure you feel data hungry today.
Abyssal has extensively provided cutting-edge visualization, simulation, and digitalization capabilities to the subsea industry. Vision in Depth is our mission; a mission embraced by 3D and technical artists, researchers, software and business developers, physics and QA engineers, designers, and trainees.
Everything is, indeed, built upon their vision. And that’s what Abyssal Blog brings you now: their vision in depth.
From technical articles to more personal ones, this blog aims to bring new perspectives to the stage. These may cover different chapters of Abyssal’s journey, such as research, product development or even business strategy, and unveil our multiple facets: innovation, passion, creativity, and disruption. Here you may find technical knowledge regarding our research and development projects, workshops, industry case studies, event news, showcases of products, as well as honest accounts of our current challenges and future ambitions. Most importantly, you may find it written by the CEO or our most recent trainee.
Stay tuned!

Abyssal featured on page 23, on issue 22 of the ROV Planet Magazine leading the way on “THE FUTURE OF REMOTE SUBSEA OPS USING THE DIGITAL TWIN“!
Abyssal has developed a platform, that incorporates a 3D visualisation engine and a survey grade Geographic Information System (GIS) and is able to acquire, process, and integrate data in real-time from multiple sources. Abyssal´s methodology relies on an innovative approach of integrating all relevant data that results from offshore operations, and is time-stamped, and geospatially referenced in a 3D platform.
Special thanks to ROV Planet.
Our CTO Manuel Parente explains how 3D engine technology can have a huge impact on increasing safety and efficiency in ocean industries at the Sea Technology editorial. (Page 7)