OceanTech on Imagens de Marca

Find out all about OceanTech – an Operational Management System based on Intelligent Robotic Vehicles for the Global Ocean Exploration from Portugal (http://oceantech.pt/).
This project aims to develop, test, and validate a unique solution on the collaborative use of distinct data collection platforms (autonomous vehicles, fixed platforms, and hybrid vehicles). Using disruptive technologies and innovative communication systems to design a solution that not only ensures communication between different platforms and between them and a support infrastructure but also with the management system of underwater operations, data integration, treatment, and information availability through its own channels.


Broadcasted episode:  https://www.imagensdemarca.pt/artigo/a-economia-e-azul/


Consortium partners:  Abyssal | CEiiA // Centre of Engineering and Product Development | Instituto Superior Técnico | IPMA Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera | OceanScan-MST | Stratosphere | Tekever | Universidade do Algarve | Universidade do Porto | Usimeca – Metalomecânica, Lda

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