Under the theme Advancing Sustainable Energy, the 6th Galp Open Days took place in Estoril (Lisbon) this year. Abyssal’s team was there to show how we’ve been working towards a more sustainable future for subsea operations.
Abyssal AI, our research department, was at the industry day of VISUM 2019, a summer school which gathers researchers from academia and industry interested in computer vision and machine intelligence.
We shared the results of our research projects—Structure Inspection and Underwater SLAM-NET System—where we are using artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of subsea operations. Therefore we showed how to:
> Automatically detect structure integrity threats and other entities (i.e. fish) on subsea videos;
> Reconstruct the surrounding 3D environment and estimate the movement of a subsea vehicle using a single video camera.
The discussion opened doors to great feedback and networking with all the participants, making it worth to work on a Saturday! Thank you VISUM for the invitation, we hope to see you next year!