Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been lauded as the next technological revolution, right next to electricity that transformed every industry and created huge economic value. It has the potential to impact the existing healthcare, transportation, and energy industries as well as possibly create entirely new industries. Despite all this promise, AI is still at a very early stage of implementation, with few automated systems in production.

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Abyssal AI, our research department, was at the industry day of VISUM 2019, a summer school which gathers researchers from academia and industry interested in computer vision and machine intelligence.

We shared the results of our research projects—Structure Inspection and Underwater SLAM-NET System—where we are using artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of subsea operations. Therefore we showed how to:

> Automatically detect structure integrity threats and other entities (i.e. fish) on subsea videos;

> Reconstruct the surrounding 3D environment and estimate the movement of a subsea vehicle using a single video camera.

The discussion opened doors to great feedback and networking with all the participants, making it worth to work on a Saturday! Thank you VISUM for the invitation, we hope to see you next year!

Structure Inspection Investors
Underwater SLAM-NET System Investors